In this busy world, where we have millions of tasks to perform, time management is something required the most. Time is a very precious thing. We have fixed 24 hours a day in which we have to sleep for 8 hours maximum, eat at least 3 meals, relax and do work. it depends on us how we manage our time according to our tasks and sparing time to relax. 

Time management is the key to live a healthy life. Given below are some tips to save time 

1. Planning:

The first step towards time management is planning. We need to plan our day. Note down everything you are supposed to do. In this way, you'll be able to do all things and not forget a single task.

2. Prioritizing: 

After planning the whole da, you have to arrange tasks according to their importance. Most important things should be done first. Like, you have to email your boss about the details of today's meeting should be your first priority. 

Just like that, you have to arrange your tasks accordingly. The most important ones are to be placed at first then comes important and after that least important.

3. Focus:

The next thing is to focus on the task. You need to give full attention to complete the task in the allotted time. it helps you stick to the timetable. Remain focused on everything you need to do. It may save you leisure time. Focusing also helps to complete the task effectively. If you are not focused you'll make mistakes and then extra time would be wasted on correcting those mistakes and it will result in mismanagement.

4. Self-Motivation:

Time management needs self-motivation the most. You must remain motivated to complete the task at a given time. Motivation comes from your surroundings. You can enhance motivation by thinking that you'll get to rest if the task is completed before a given time, or you'll get appreciation from the boss for completing it earlier. etc., Such things help you with self-motivation. 


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